Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I need to sincerely apologize to anyone (If anyone!) who has been or has read this blog.  I am so far behind the winners have passed me!  I could use the usual 'busy' line and yes, I have been very busy, but, come on!  That busy?  So busy I can't sit down for two minutes and type out a few words?  Geez!  I manage that on Face Book, I can answer email, I can read a book, but I can't get up to date on this page??  Gosh darnit, yes I can!!

Since my last post near the end of May, a few things have happened!  Sweetpea had her babies.  A boy and girl.  Both chocolate brown.  The little boy has more white and the little girl has less white.  I am going to wait and see how their coats turn out before I decide what I will do with them.  Chances are I will keep the little girl, Anchor Baby and I will probably wether Oyster Boy but not until I am sure he does not have a suitable coat of hair.  He is still a purebred Myotonic goat even if he does not get the long silky hair so I might keep him as a buck and see if anyone might like him for a breeder.

Then time decided to FLY and it's almost Christmas time. Deck the halls and all that fun stuff.  Breeding here at the Stables is over.  I think we'll have some nice babies in the spring.  I did not, however, breed very many Myotonic goats this year.  I am seriously thinking of concentrating on my Pocket Goats and my MSFGA registered mini silky goats.

We rebuilt the breeding pens.  Only have two right now but by breeding time next year I hope to be back up to four. 

I don't often add pictures to Blogger because a couple of years ago I had a huge big blog I had been working on for 3 years and Blogger shut it down for no reason that I could determine and I could not even get a hold of anybody to ask why.

Anyway, these are the new pens and they are working out very well.

After breeding is over and everyone has settled down into their usual homes, it gets pretty quiet here.  But winter is coming.  So not looking forward to that!