Monday, July 18, 2011

So shoot me...

One of these days I might actually have time to keep up with this blog.  Of course, when I have time to keep up with this blog there will be nothing going on so...  Anyway,

The weather has been brutally hot this past two weeks, no rain, and no rain in the forcast.  Looks like the second cut hay will be non-existant.  That's not good news for anyone.  First of all, a lot of people buy second cut hay for their horses and cows and if there isn't going to be any or not very much, then those people are going to be buying up the first cut hay whenever they get a chance.  That means there may not be enough first cut hay for the people who usually buy it, like me!! 
We can only store about 1000 bales of hay, here at the Stables and we may need as much as 1400 bales for the winter so we have to find another 400 bales somewhere and hope that farmer will agree to store it for us.  That usually works.  On occasion we have had an agreement with a farmer to store hay, only to find out, when we get there, that the farmer went and sold our hay to some one else.  Boy, does that make you mad!!  We were counting in getting that hay and now we have to start searching for some and hope we find some before the animals go hungry.

So we've got most of our hay in now, still need another couple hundred bales to fill up our storage and then some to last the winter.  That is, unless I can sell a few more goats!!

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