Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Don't believe everything you read...

Especially if I write it!  I said in an earlier post that I was keeping both of Sprocket's kids.  Well....I might, but I might not.  I haven't really made up my mind.  We have a definite lack of female chromosomes floating around here this year so it's going to be a tough decision to let any of the girls go but...I can't keep them all!

Aahhh well, back to work...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

You bet I'm starting a new post already!!

Baby rush!  Tweek had twins, boy and girl.  (YES!! A GIRL!!).  Trixie had twins...2 boys..GRRR, and Nemmie had a big...you guessed it..boy.  Wow, 19 kids, 5 girls, 14 boys.  Gonna have a lot of wethers running around.  

Well, I put Rhea and Jabberwocky out with the herd.  The little devil still comes running to me so that is great.  Sprocket and her two girls are out with the herd and they don't run away either so that is great.  Still several mommies in the barn and some in the pens but cold weather coming.  Want to make sure everybody has warm place to go.

Back to the barn to check on the babies....too busy to sit at the computer for long but I will catch this blog up when I have more time.  Promise...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Man, I am so far behind...

So this is about the third time I've started this post over.  Never seen to have time to keep my train of thought on the tracks.  Been derailed too many times by baby goats and lack of sleep.

Anyway, I am way behind posting on this blog as usual.  So, here we go:

Mar 14 12:  Hot Pants finally succumbed to her illness and is put to rest.

Mar 20 12:  Twin babies born to RMT Lexie ten days (at least) early.  Both were under 2 lbs and they are being bottle fed by Faye, down the road.  Both are doing very well.  Lexie is doing better but still not out of the woods.  She is weak and anemic but slowly, ever so slowly, improving.

Mar 25 12:  Twin doelings born to Sprocket.  Lydia is white with black points and has BLUE EYES!!  Juno is black and white and very cute!  I have decided to keep both girls.  Bummer.

Mar 26 12:  Twin boys born to Keebler.  Behemoth was HUGE.  7 lbs 6 ozs.  Poor little Doctor Finklestein came later as an after thought.  Keebler didn't even know she'd had him!

Mar 27 12:  Single buckling born to BJS Rhea.  6 lbs 13 ozs.  First time mom.  BIG baby.  We were there to assist and it was a good thing we were.  She had some trouble delivering that monster.

April 01 12:  Single buckling born to RMT Crystal at 12:45am on April Fools Day.  6 lbs 13 oz.  And damm if he doesn't have BROWN eyes.  Both parents have ice blue eyes.

So, yeah, I'm a little behind but at least I have a good reason.  It's kidding season!!  I've spend the better part of every day in the barn the last week and there is no end in sight.  Well, there is an end but it's a couple of months away.  

I think RMT Magic might be in labour tonight, will be checking her shortly.  Oh yee of little sleep.

Tonight looks to be no different if Magic really is in labour.  Geez!  You'd think they could wait until morning!   And in between birthin babies and feeding the rest of the animals there are constant repairs to the kidding pens cus those bored does just beat the crap out of them.  I'll be so glad when the horns are all gone.  My friend Genevieve was here today and did she give me crap about the horns.  HOLLEE!!  You'da thought I'd banded her head.  Did she give me crap.  But by the time she left she was asking me to come and band the horns on her goats.  Hahaha!  Go figure.

Well, back to the barn...