Monday, May 28, 2012

Wow!  They changed this whole interface.  So not impressed.  I hate change.
Well, anyway, again, it's been a while since I last posted.  What's new about that?  You ask.  Haha.  Nothing, I guess.

So as of today we have 25 babies on the ground, Pebbles is about 10 years overdue, Spooky is due in 3 days, no, sorry, 4 days.  Sweetpea is due in June and so is Shadow though I am doubtful that she caught, and Isis is due in July.

At the moment, all the babies are doing very well.  Growing like bad weeds and getting too big for their little kid collars.  Good thing I can tell them apart now! Taming baby goats is one of the easiest things to do in the world.....wait....I think I'm about to give away a very important breeder secret.....Well, it's probably ok as long as you don't tell anybody...

All you need to do is find a blanket, lay on the blanket on the ground and let them jump all over you.  You don't need to manhandle them, force them, or even have treats.  Most of the little wee ones aren't interested in treats yet anyway.
Man!  I am so busy!!  Well, hopefully, my loyal followers, if I have any left, have not stopped visiting this blog. Yes, I know I get stupidly behind, way behind, BUT!!  The good news is kidding season is almost over.  The only doe I have left to kid is Sweetpea.  She is due June 24th.  Maybe she will go a little sooner, she is quite tubby.

Hot weather and dry, dry conditions continue.  Not rain for weeks.  I've been watering the pastures daily just to keep up with the consumption.  Still giving the bucks hay.  Every time the weather report calls for rain it passes us by.  Last year, in May, it rained for 5 weeks straight.

And if that is not enough, today is very hot, very humid and the water pump quit.  Fortunately, we have a great plumber and, knowing there is livestock here, he dropped everything and came right over.  So we're back in business.   Good thing, with this dry, hot weather...