Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A New Beginning?

Well, I'm not sure. See, when we had the barn rewired in the fall I told the electrician that I needed plugs for 4 heat lamps in each stall. So, he put them on the ceiling because that's "CODE". CODE is a four letter word as far as I'm concerned. The barn ceiling is eight feet high. Even with my arms stretched as tall as I can, I'm still not eight feet tall. I even tried positive thinking. Hunh! That didn't work. So here I am, first thing in the morning, in my jammies, climbing around stalls and dividers with a fold up stool that freaks out the goats, trying to reach the plugs for the heat lamps to unplug them. Warm enough today the lamps aren't needed. Not fun or smart. Ok, so back to the house for my morning cup of ambition and a shower. All the while my little pea brain is working, working....Still blank as a new black board, but working, working....Do I really want to be climbing around stalls and dividers twice a day for heat lamps?? No, not really. AHA!!!! My brain has a meltdown as a NEW IDEA flies in. (It's not used to that kind of thing.)
At Canadian Tire you can buy these doohickies that have one wire coming out that plugs into the socket and 5 wires coming out that you can plug things into. Kind of looks like a giraffe with 5 legs. Anyway, if I were to install one of these jiggabobbins on the centre post, plug it into the ceiling outlet and then plug all the heat lamps into it then I could use the switch on the wattsit to turn the lights on and off!!!

Well, son of a gun if it didn't work! All I have to do now is walk into one stall and push a button and WAALAA!!! Lights!!

Made my day!

So, The does are all in the barn as we speak. Esme, Isabella, Bonnie, and Elly and in Stall 1. Sprocket, Tweek, Mona and Gracie are in Stall 2. Lily, Bonnie the Nigerian, and Vee are in Stall 3. Tweek is the first one due on March 22nd but you never know who might just decide to kid early. Esme kidded 10 days early last year and she was still outside and it was cold the day she kidded. Fortunately, we found her right after she had kidded and got her and her babies under the heat to warm up! Don't want to see that happen again this year!

All is good at the Stables today!

1 comment:

  1. You sounded exactly like I would have if I ws trying to explain that! lol Glad you figured out a way to make your life easier!
