Monday, November 28, 2011

Oops! A booboo!

Dessie, my little Pocket goat doeling, has a booboo in her left eye.  It's all red and yucky looking.  Noticed it last night when I was feeding.  Well, I caught her and tried to look at it.  What a joke!  She was having no part of that.  All I could see was that it was red all around and looked like she had a marble in there instead of an eye.  Ok, so she likely poked it on something or it could be pink eye.  Pink eye is very contagious.  So, I treated it with Polysporin eye drops.  That was a whole new wrestling match that I'm pretty sure my little 15 lbs doeling won.  I did get the drop in her eye but I had way more bruises that she did.  Then I let her go back to her mom for the night.  I didn't think, at that point, it could be pink eye as it came on so suddenly, we've never had a case of pink eye here and there are no new goats in the pasture.  She was fine in the afternoon and then BAM!  So I came in and looked up pictures of pinkeye in goats.  Nope, doesn't look like that.  

So now, two days after starting the write this and not having time, her eye still has some red in it but it is getting better.  Chelsea is home now so she can hold the little devil.  I have been giving her 1 cc Pen Pro and drops in her eye and there is definite improvement.  I'm thinking she'll be right as rain in a day or two.  I'd like to know what she did to herself but she's not talking!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue! I found you via OGBA. I have a tiny herd of 8 goats, 6 Nubians and 2 Nigerian Dwarf.

    I just wanted to say that I had something very similar happen about a month ago. One of my Nubian does had a red teary eye that also came on suddenly and it didn't look like pink eye. I flushed it with saline solution four times the first day and couldn't see the problem, at the end of the second days flushing I finally saw a piece of hay under her third eye lid. I got her on the milk stand and managed to pull it out, it was nearly three inches long! It was stuck so well behind that lid that I couldn't see it for nearly two days. Her eye did cloud over, but antibiotic drops helped. I had a feeling that she had something in her eye because it wasn't a bruised eye and it wasn't pink eye, and I had the same thing happen to a rabbit. Anyway, try looking under that lid. :D Hope it works itself out, whatever it is!
